Friday, September 10, 2010

"Burning of John Maynard Keynes Book Causes Uproar" by Jeff Berwick.

The central banking and political world are up in arms about a planned John Maynard Keynes book burning.

The burning was announced by Jeff Berwick, Chief Editor of The Dollar Vigilante, to take place on December 23, the anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Top central bankers in the United States warned that flimsy economic theories would be in danger if the burning of a copy of John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money went ahead.

"What is most dangerous," stated one central banker, "is if this causes people to even logically think for more than a few moments about economics then this entire structure we've built could begin to collapse. We've done a great job for a long time telling the average man on the street that economics is too difficult to understand."


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