Watch the video at The Washington Post
I'm a free market conservative/libertarian, and I call em as I see em. I believe strongly in Austrian economic principles, personal liberties, and small governments. I believe these are the necessary ingredients to a prosperous and moral nation.
Friday, August 02, 2013
Harry Reid tells senators ‘sit down and shut up’
Watch the video at The Washington Post
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Ann Coulter takes Bill O'Reilly to task on his historical revisionism
Read Ann Coulter’s Latest Column: “O’Reilly: Killing History”
Monday, July 22, 2013
A majority of Americans believe race relations have deteriorated since Obama was elected
I totally agree. Every time Obama addresses a racial issue, I feel personally alienated and downright offended. His comments in his speeches about Trayvon Martin's death made it clear that he has drawn a line in the sand, dividing us all, and he's picking the side that matches his skin color. After hearing for the past 50 years from the American Left about how we need to put racial differences behind us and just be "Americans", their most heralded, leftist president seems to take every opportunity he can to remind us all that we're divided into two groups: blacks and everybody else. And he's not taking my side. Ever.
Read more: "Florida Poll: Majority Believe Race Relations Worse Since Obama Took Office" by Cortney O'Brien,
Sunday, July 21, 2013 You Know Something, Barack? Screw You…
With all due respect sir: Screw You.
Read more from "You Know Something, Barack? Screw You…" by conservativecurmudgeon at
Friday, June 28, 2013
Secret flower planter in Washington, DC threatened with arrest if he doesn’t stop
The real estate department from Washington’s Metro Transit system has recently become aware of unauthorized flowers springing up in planter boxes on public property. Along the north side of their Dupont Circle station, hundreds of mysterious morning glories and other flowers have been coming up in planter boxes along the Metro’s north escalators.
Metro found out who the secret flower planter was ...when they received a polite letter on June 3 written by the flower planter himself, Henry Docter. Henry sent a letter asking permission to continue caring for hundreds of flowers he had planted a week earlier at the Metro transit system.
"Arrests, fines, and imprisonment" for planting flowers
Immediately, the Metro responded to Docter on June 11 with a "cease and desist" letter threatening "arrest, fines and imprisonment" if Docter tried to weed, water, or tend to the flowers. Concerned about public safety, Metro said that they didn’t want Docter or anyone else to be injured caring for flowers that were set in steep, cobblestone inclines.
The 52-year-old garden artist, Henry Docter, who has planted flowers in public places on four continents since 1979, said, "I’ve never gotten in trouble for planting flowers. Never has anyone overreacted with such an absence of common sense."
Read the full article: “Secret flower planter threatened with arrest if he doesn’t stop planting flowers” by Lance Devon,
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
John McCain visits the Syrian rebels to--you know--ensure we make the same mistakes as we did in Egypt and Libya
Sen. John McCain visited rebels in Syria on Monday, his communications director confirmed to CNN, making the Arizona Republican the highest ranking elected official from the United States to visit the war-torn country.
Brian Rogers confirmed a report that originally appeared on The Daily Beast, which indicated McCain entered Syria through Turkey, and remained in the country for several hours.
Read more: "McCain visits rebels in Syria" by Rachel Streitfeld and Kevin Liptak, CNN
Friday, April 12, 2013
Obama’s new budget increases taxes on flavored vodka, but not unflavored vodka
Read more: "Obama's budget includes some surprising taxes" by Chris Good, ABC OTUS News